Pre & Post Natal Treatment
Pre – natal TCM treatment

Pre-natal acupuncture treatments are optimally commenced at 36 or 37 weeks and go through until birth. These treatments are designed to prepare the body and the baby for an efficient and smooth labor.
Focusing on ripening the cervix, maintaining the most optimal presentation of the baby for labor and promoting the energy and stamina needed for birth itself, these treatments promote the flow of energy and blood throughout the uterus and the body.
Post-natal TCM treatment

It is custom for a new mother to rest for 30-40 days. Staying indoors and restricting hair or body washing might not get well with many westerners for that matter however there are some key points to take away from this ancient custom such as Diet, herbs and acupuncture can all play a role at this time.
Each treatment is designed for the individual and can therefore focus on what is needed for each individual patient at the time. It is also a fabulous opportunity to help the patient mentally prepare for the labor that is to come. Women who receive pre-birth acupuncture treatments have a reduced rate of medical interventions, including medical induction and caesarean sections. Pre-birth acupuncture also prepares the body for recovery post-natally.
Reasons to use acupunture treatment/Chinese Herbal Medicines for Post Pregnancy:
- Retained placenta
- Excessive bleeding
- Difficult in breast feeding
- Fainting or dizziness
- Severe sweating
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Back and body pain
- Depression